Arthropodium cirratum bifurcatum- NZ rock lily- Rengarenga

An edible tuber cultivated in New Zealand by the Maori and is often found growing from rocky coastal cliffs. When grown in soil the tubers are bigger and less fibrous. They are also grown as an ornamental and can be propagated by seed or division. I was introduced to this plant while doing some maintenance on a multi-story greenwall in Coffs Harbour. We were up in the scissor lift and right at the top there was a plant that was seeding. I asked Mark about it and got the name, relatives and history.

Arthropodium cirratum bifurcatum, nestled at top of greenwall
I placed the seeds with some coir in a take-away container and eagerly await there germination. They took about a month to sprout coming into Winter.

NZ Rock lily seed germinating in coir

Seedlings at 4 months.

Arthropodium milleflorum– Vanilla lily is another species from Australia that is also eaten.

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